Fp U. FPU Stands for “Floating Point Unit” An FPU is a processor or part of a processor that performs floating point calculations While early FPUs were standalone processors most are now integrated inside a computer&#39s CPU .

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The FPU water boiler is suitable for use within Zone 1 and Zone 2 hazardous areas where the flammable atmosphere is a group IIA IIB or IIC gas The FPU flameproof water boiler provides an economic hot water supply at the point of use and has a nondrip spring loaded tap.

'FPU' Flameproof Bulk Water Boiler

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Hlavná strana FPU.sk

&#39FPU&#39 Flameproof Bulk Water Boiler The EXHEAT ‘FPU’ bulk water boiler offers the ideal solution for providing hot water for catering use in rest rooms and similar locations that are situated in Zone 1 and Zone 2 Hazardous Areas where the flammable atmosphere is a group IIA IIB or IIC Gas FEATURES TYPICAL APPLICATIONS.

FPU (Floating Point Unit) Definition Tech Terms

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FPU Flameproof Bulk Hot Water Boiler, Flameproof Water

Financial Peace University RamseySolutions.com

Floatingpoint unit Wikipedia

Floatingpoint unit A floatingpoint unit ( FPU colloquially a math coprocessor) is a part of a computer system specially designed to carry out operations on floatingpoint numbers Typical operations are addition subtraction multiplication division and square root Some FPUs can also perform various transcendental functions such as.