Keras Input_Shape. input_tensor optional Keras tensor (ie output of layersInput()) to use as image input for the model input_shape optional shape tuple only to be specified if include_top is False (otherwise the input shape has to be (299 299 3) It should have exactly 3 inputs channels and width and height should be no smaller than 71 Eg.
Keras is a highlevel neural networks API developed with a focus on enabling fast experimentation Being able to go from idea to result with the least possible delay is key to doing good research Keras has the following key features Allows the same code to run on CPU or on GPU seamlessly Userfriendly API which makes it easy to quickly prototype deep learning.
Bidirectional layer Keras
kerascontribKeras community contributions Kerascontrib is deprecated Use TensorFlow Addons The future of Kerascontrib We’re migrating to tensorflow/addonsSee the announcement here This library is the official extension repository for the python deep learning library KerasIt contains additional layers activations loss functions optimizers etc which are.
Keras Applications are deep learning models that are made available alongside pretrained weights These models can be used for prediction feature extraction and finetuning.
Deep Convolutional Networks VGG16 for Image Recognition in
Bidirectional wrapper for RNNs Arguments layer keraslayersRNN instance such as keraslayersLSTM or keraslayersGRUIt could also be a keraslayersLayer instance that meets the following criteria Be a sequenceprocessing layer (accepts 3D+ inputs) Have a go_backwards return_sequences and return_state attribute (with the same semantics as for.
Keras Debugging Tips
Xception Keras
R Interface to Keras keras
GitHub kerasteam/kerascontrib: Keras community
from keras engine import Model from keras layers import Input from keras_vggfacevggface import VGGFace # Convolution Features vgg_features = VGGFace (include_top = False input_shape = (224 224 3) pooling = ‘avg’) # pooling None avg or max # After this point you can use your model to predict #.